Diary Of A Hollywood Refugee

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hachette, Hypocrisy Is Thy Name

In 1984, The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) was formed. The IIPA is a private sector coalition which represents the US copyright-based industries.

The IIPA is comprised of seven trade associations, representing 1900 US companies producing and distributing materials protected by copyright laws throughout the world.

It's mandate is to improve international protection of copyrighted materials. With the rapid changes in technology, the IIPA works to ensure that high levels of copyright protection become a central component in the legal framework as global electronic commerce grows.

The IIPA believes that strong legal protections against the theft of intellectual property are essential in the e-commerce global economy.

The IIPA estimates that copyright piracy around the world inflicts approximately $20-$22 billion in annual losses to the U.S. copyright industries (and this estimate does not include internet piracy).

Of the seven trade associations that comprise the IIPA, the one that stood out for me in light of HFM and Shock Magazine's copyright infringement of photographer Michael Yon's iconic photo of Major Beiger cradling little Farah, was The Association of American Publishers.(AAP)

The AAP has created The Anti Piracy Program.

The Association of American Publishers considers the protection of intellectual property in all media among its highest priorities. Working closely with local authorities overseas, AAP fights copyright pirates on their own territory and sends the message that stealing American books and journals does not pay. Working with AAP members, students, international counterparts, universities and government officials on issues such as anti-piracy, copyright and technology, AAP is hoping to end the rampant theft of copyrighted works. Educating the public and government officials about the basis and need for strict enforcement of copyright laws is a chief priority in fighting piracy. It is estimated that American publishers lost over 500 million dollars last year due to copyright piracy. The public also plays a part in helping to stop piracy of American works. AAP asks citizens, who can submit reports anonymously, to report any sightings of copyright piracy to the Association of American Publishers.

The program is spearheaded by Patricia Judd, Executive Director, International Copyright Enforcement and Trade Policy.

AAP policy is set by a 20-member Board of Directors, elected by the membership for four-year terms, under a Chair who serves for two years. Sitting on the Board of Directors is David Young, Chairmen and CEO of HACHETTE BOOK GROUP, owned by HACHETTE FILAPACCI MEDIAS, publishers of SHOCK Magazine whose unauthorized use of Michael Yon's intellectual property was a flagrant attempt to profit from discrediting and demonizing American soldiers and, who then reneged on a settlement made in good faith! The unauthorized use of this photo and the duplicity of the publisher are equally appalling.

The President and CEO of The APP is Former Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder
As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts and Intellectual Property she was one of the most knowledgeable members of Congress on copyright issues and a strong advocate for protecting intellectual property rights and for reinforcing the creative incentive for developing intellectual property.

Since Ms Judd spearheads the AAP Anti Piracy Program that considers the protection of intellectual property in all media among its highest priorities, and Patricia Schroder continues her work as a strong advocate for protecting intellectual property rights in her leadership of the AAP, I have to wonder how they both will react when told that SHOCK Magazine, owned and published by Hachette Filapacci Media, a member of AAP through Hachette Book Group, has failed in its obligation to protecting intellectual property by its UNAUTHORIZED use of Michael Yon's evocative iconic photo.

According to their website, The APP strongly believes that " The public also plays a part in helping to stop piracy of American works. AAP asks citizens, who can submit reports anonymously, to report any sightings of copyright piracy to the Association of American Publishers".

I intend to play my part and strongly encourage you to play yours, in helping to stop the piracy of an American work, by emailing,writing or phoning Ms Judd, and Ms Schroeder, and reporting Shock Magazine's and by fiat, Hachette Filapacci Medias, copyright piracy of Michael Yon's photo and their violation of the proposed settlement.

Actions Speak Louder
Make Yourself Heard
Boycott SHOCK Magazine
Boycott Car & Driver Magazine