Diary Of A Hollywood Refugee

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Force Majeure

Universal Media Studios has notified actors on NBC series Bionic Woman and The Office that they are being suspended under the force majeure clause in their Screen Actors’ Guild contracts, forcing them into temporary unemployment.

This is why the Alliance walked away from negotiations.

The Studio heads ( aka "The Alliance) have calculated their every move, including walking away from negotiations and only agreeing to return AFTER the legal right to exercise force majeure in an attempt to turn actors against the WGA; spending more money on full page ads rife with lies and distortions than writers receive in residuals for their work used on the internet, and using shills at Variety who write biased stories, sometimes fabricated, that favor the Alliance.

Having dealt with studios on behalf of the clients I repped, none of these pond scum tactics comes as a surprise to me.

How Greedy Can They Get - They Won't Share The Internet!



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